Sunday 25 May 2014

Count down to becoming a 'cyborg' has been officially confirmed that my stimulator operation will be 6th June 2014. 
We are going with NHS funding as BUPA haven't backed down in their idea of having another PRF procedure first. To be honest, that's fine with me. At least with NHS I will be under their system, and if circumstances change at least I will be held under the NHS for any revision surgeries etc in the future. All that matters is that I get the operation done and by Mr Patel. 
So it's count down time now!

Less than 2 weeks to go and it's about the only thing I can think about. I know I need this op, but it's taken me a while to get my head around it. Some people who totally get me, have mentioned things like how I will realise just how much effort getting up and getting into work used to take after I get this done. I guess that's true, and there is no other option for me.

I have soooo many questions though, partly because I'm a control freak and need to know everything. My consultant's PA has said I can email by it's if questions for Mr Patel to answer. This is what I've got so far;
* How long will I need off work? 
* What is the full recovery time?
* What will recovery be like?
* Will I need to stay overnight in hospital?
* Do I have a choice where the battery is placed? (I'd prefer behind me in lower back area)
* Will my hair need to be shaved?
* What are the possible complications?
* Is it a lot like pacemaker surgery?
* How long is the actual operation?
* What will I need to be aware of in terms of airport security etc after the surgery?
* What will I expect in terms of follow up appointments?
* Will the stimulator stop all my pain, or just the sharp pain & dizziness?

I will update with the answers when I get them.

It's all a bit real now. 
Not sure how I feel at the moment, but I think it's anxiety/panic/excitement!! 
All I know is I'm getting a few nick names already!! My brothers have said that it will be cool for me to be a "Cyborg"!! 
Makes me smile, at least!!!! 

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