Friday 30 August 2019

UPDATE - sorry I've been away for so long!

Firstly, let me apologise about being away for so long.
Mainly Apple have stopped updating and supporting the app for this blog, so it is REALLY difficult to find a way to create new posts easily.
Also, life has got in the way (in a lovely way) and I am now pregnant and due very soon!

So.... in as simple way as possible, let me update everything that has been going on for me in my ON world.

The pain clinic were mostly unable to help me. They offered me some physiological support and created a new Pain Course that I was one of the first people to attend. It was specially for people suffering chronic pain and mental health issues related to the pain.
This was really very interesting, and was mainly based around mindfulness and 'being kind to yourself'. It was a good way to meet other people in similar situations, however of course there was nobody else there suffering from ON. I felt very "different" as they were all still under Consultant gaining treatment and support, and for me I was at the end of the line and therefore not seen regularly by anyone at all.

However, I tried to put the mindfulness in place during my daily life and it helped a little...just to calm me and allow me time to relax. I still have bouts of terrible pain that can not be lowered by anything, and I have to just ride them out.

Throughout all this time, my husband and I were trying for a baby, despite the struggles and difficulty that may add to my world, I do not want ON to stop me from trying to be a Mum. There are ways through everything, and this was something i was willing to find a way through.
Coming off contraception was awful. The hormones they give do help the pain occur less often, but I needed to brave this. The pain clinic were unable to help with this, as everything they could offer "contraindicated" against falling they would not allow certain treatments in case I was already pregnant!! forward a looooonnnnnng time later. I am pregnant and due very soon. The hormones of being pregnant have helped massively. I literally don't think much about my ON at the moment, but am pretty sure that won't last. Still, i am enjoying it for the time being.

The only other small issue I have had, is that the lead/wire behind my ear that is looped out of the way has gained some excess scar tissue surrounding it and so now shows through the skin. My Consultant has seen this and is not wiling to do anything to correct it, in case it impacts on the quality of the leads, as one is still working perfectly. This is not to say that the programs I have set on it work well, as now isn't a good time to test it out as I am barely experiencing ON at high levels.

I am seriously wondering what life will be like as a new Mum with ON and very little medical support.
So I guess, as always, time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for updating! Happy to hear youre in a better place. Obv youre not cured, but all the same, youre clearly doing better.
    Big part of it seems to be distraction. I can understand that with chronic pain, it becomes all you can focus on (understandably) and magnifies it. Now being a new mum (congratulations) you have much bigger things to focus on, so the ON takes a backseat.
    Also, its so interesting you say the hormones of pregnancy help with pain. I have a cousin who has bad stomach issues, and everytime shes pregnant, they vanish. They now have 5 kids. lol. Not a sustainable treatment plan to just stay permanently pregnant, but very interesting.
